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Title: The Algerian Foreign Policy Approach towards its Neighboring Region
Other Titles: Presented to Master’s students in the field of Regional Studies:(2nd Year Classes)
Authors: Maabed, Fehd
Keywords: Foreign Policy - Algerian's
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: جامعة الجزائر3: كلية العلوم السياسية و العلاقات الدولية
Abstract: Foreign Policy: A conceptual Framework- The Evolution of Algeria's foreign policy: A historical Framework- The structure of Algeria's foreign policy- The Principles of Algeria’s foreign policy-The determinants and objectives of Algeria's foreign policy-The Algerian Policy towards the Maghreb Region- The Algerian Policy towards the Arab Region- The Algerian Policy towards the Africa - The Algerian Policy towards the Mediterranean Region- Algeria’s Foreign Policy: Challenges and Perspectives .
Description: 125 p.
Appears in Collections:مطبوعات

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